
zero to thirty in.., holy shit I'M THIRTY!!!

well, my buddy jesse has been in town for the last week, and it has been friggen great! man did i miss that guy. he is one of my best friends. always has been, always will be. that is just how it goes... he left today to go back to seattle, and then if we're really lucky down here he'll be back soon..., for good. the thought has been kicked around so you never know... heh heh. anywho, other than that, its been work work work, and a little bit of playtime. i'm gonna go see wayne "the train" hancock again this tuesday night, which is always great, and working my but off to pay for this last week. not only did we have pretty much no shows, but i got time of from the cafe to hang with jess. which is fantastic, but now i'm broke. ah screwit! who needs it, anyway...?
oh yeah, and i turned thirty saturday night. all you wonderful folks who texted and called me, i love you with all my heart.