

so here i am, still in mpls. waiting for the rocketships to pick me up. i have been declared the ambassador from space. thanks to the habitrail that is the downtown skyway system. soon, my posts will be  over 1900 miles away...


if you lived here, you'd be home by now...

so here i am at my parents house, waiting for the terrible twosome to arrive by giant metal bird. i have no idea what airline they are using, so i'm sending a psychic message to them on the plane, er... bird, to call and let me know. otherwise, i stand just inside the terminal, not a good word in an airport by the way, randomly screaming thier names. one step closer to arrest. ah well, soon they'll be here with a story to tell, and then i'll be there with a limited amount of money and no job. if you could see inside my head right now, i'd be laughing maniacally. and bleeding.



this will ,sadly, be my last movie night in yon midwest. we just watched the birdcage, and will soon comence on the divine road through BIG TROUBLE IN LITTLE CHINA. one of the best films ever... that is not a lie. we were having an arguement about the best lines throughout the movie. it's between "sonnuvah bitch must pay!", "that big oaf slams your favorite head up against a brick wall, and asks you, 'have you paid your dues, jack?'"  and, "we really shook the pillars of heaven didn't we, wang?". i prefer the latter, peet is a freak for the first. you never know... do you?


check check check check it out y'all

figured out links by looking it up... check my sweet ass sidebar, links and all.

polyphonic death knell

peet got that fucking song stuck in my head. useless crap! ahh well, what can you do other than murder? complain. and since i'm good at that, thats what i've been doing about it. kay, farting noises behind me from peet, again. gastronomical fun for the whole family. or at least peet. definately peet. more when the urge strikes me.

welcome home...

alright, this is the deal... you wanna see pictures, go to linecook, you wanna see writings, stay the hell here. i'm about to converge upon san francisco, and i have to tell you, i'm a bit... anxious about it. i can't friggen wait! i'm kinda freaking out in my own little head. soon degeneration and chaos will be mine again. or just a bunch of good old times... whichever happens first. keep up, i'll try. stay true, you too.