

i am thrown.
i am spinning.
i never knew. i always hoped, but i never was sure. i am sure now. it all makes sense. it is pure. i'll write more when my head clears. right now i'll just sit and think of her. it's all i do anymore. i enjoy it.



that is a great word.


big eyes...

well, i watched the AKIRA special edition dvd last night. well, part of it anyway. what crap. the voices were redone with horrible, stereotypical can of american twangs, and they removed any semblance of dialogue from the characters. all the little things, the heavy breaths, the short bursts, simple words like damn, and shit. its one of the things i really loved about the original, THEY SWORE LIKE REAL PEOPLE! they sounded serious. they sounded like normal people stuck in abnormal situations. they sounded stressed. whoever did the voices this time around was only worried about timing, cause it sounded like shit. there was no care put into the acting, just the tech crap. lowest common denominator bullshit. i hate when people have to fuck up perfection attempting to make a bigger buck.
maybe i'm just being tender, but that film is a part of my foundation of japanese and to a large extent, world animation. it's one of the films that showed me what cartoons could do. what they could BE. on the topic, but off the bitching... i'm gonna try to go see APPLESEED next week. masamune shiro, other than his strtange and uncomfortable fixation with close ups of womens underwear, is an amazing artist and writer. if you don't agree then all i have is... ghost in the shell, black magic-M66, and kiss my ass, loser... if you could see the face i'm making, you'd be crying.
and now a list of five things that suprised me lately:
1. the electric 6 album. thought it'd just be kitschy, but it really is good. and fun.
2. vh1's surreal life. shoot me now. mini-me is a drunken freak. i am terrified.
3. luis-one of the associates at virgin megastore. this kid can fuck up a game of chess. he kills. amazing.
4. skittles. i can't keep them out of my face. i'm like a freaking junkie. every time i spit it looks like pieces of organs coming out. yum.
5. bammer. she's going through so much killing stress right now. there is a light, baby. just a little further. too tough to die. part animal, part machine. rise above.
okey-dokey, enough for now. answer me one question: where do you want to be 5 years from now?



you see, this is what happens when the boss is out for the day. absolutely nothing. we are on chill mode. i had to close the store last night and i opend today, so i'm SLACKING OFF. K.M.A.(<---that means "kiss my ass"...)
i noticed something that is really starting to bother me, string tribute albums. when Apocalyptica came out, i was heavily impressed. four cellos doing classic Metallica songs... good stuff. then there was a Tool string tribute, and although i haven't listened to it, i thought it might at least be interesting. now there is a fucking string tribute album out for any putz with a distortion pedal. i have seen a White Stripes string tribute, a Queens of the Stone Age string tribute, and a Warren Zevon string tribute. okay, okay, i guess the Warren Zevon one isn't so far fetched, but White Stripes? come on. lets get over ourselves a bit, please. does every schmuck with a viola deserve studio time? i don't think so. can we try to do something creative and unique, or are we just going to recycle all the crap until we burn ourselves off the planet...
gonna go see White Noise on friday. looks cool. i like ghosts.
been listening to Cowboys From Hell by Pantera lately. i miss D.D. he was a pretty damn good guitarist.
okay, i gotta go get a nap going. werk werk werk.


another dead soldier...

aahhh, new years. usually not a huge deal to me. in years past i've sat at home, watching the ball drop-philosophically and really, other years i've worked long ugly shifts in shitty kitchens, cooking for idiot drunks who have had a way better time than i. well, this year, i still had to work but it is a job i love, with interesting people, and i finally got a really great new years kiss. from a GIRL even. it has been a good 3 years since i had any desire to celebrate..., well anything. and now i have two jobs, which i love both. i've been looking for these jobs since i was a kid. record store, and a nightclub. punk rock! i've got a great girl on my arm, whom i have been searching for for a very long time. and a set of really great friends, which seems to be growing all the time. celebration definately seems to be in order.
so have a happy new year to everyone i miss. i'll see you again. hopefully soon!